Saturday, March 12, 2011

March 12 Web 2.0 Topic of Interest

iPads in the classroom intrigue me. Our students our digital natives and anytime we are on the computer they are focused, involved, and interested. It is how their brain is wired. I think it could save school systems money, by no longer having to purchase textbooks, and provide a creative outlet that isn't available on a daily basis for most students. However, to make this work a technology specialist should be in the school ready to assist when a problem occurs with the technology. Technology would need to be kept in working order and up to date. Teachers and students can't wait till tomorrow or next week to get a problem fixed. It will be interesting to see what school systems do, if anything, with the iPad.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I would love this type of technology for my students! I know my almost 2 year old will sit and play a shapes game for hours on the iPad!

  3. Sharon, Only the last of your 4 links works. Could you please have a look at the other 3? I am thinking of buying an iPad. So I want to see what you tried to share!

  4. Sharon, as far as I know, our school does not use ipads in the classroom. However, I too feel as if they would be a great asset for the students. There are a few issues to work out such as what to do if a student looses or breaks an ipad and who is going to convert the lessons from paper and pencil. But, once all the details get worked out, they can be motivating and powerful learning tools. In your comment on my blog, you asked if I taught English. Although I think I would enjoy that, I am a school nurse at a middle and elementary school, and have worked there for 6 years. Before that I worked in home health, a family practice doctor's office, and neonatal ICU.

  5. My daughter has a friend that is a high school history teacher in Texas. He works at a private school and all of his students use ipads. I guess that everything in Texas is "bigger" including some school budgets! I do think that they are the way of the future in our schools. Just have to find the funding for them somewhere.
