Wednesday, March 23, 2011

iPad in Education March 23

The link below was interesting because I did not know that book companies are developing books that are more interactive on devices like the iPad.  I had no idea that talks between iPad developers and major book companies were taking place.  I can see why the book companies would be interested because it would keep them in the market and the iPad developers win by having interactive books available for their device.


  1. Interactive textbooks would definitely add incentive for students who are so accustomed to interactive media. Building these textbooks from the ground up will certainly create "a more engaging learning experience".

  2. Wow! I think interactive textbook would be a great wait to hold students attention and motivate them. As Faith pointed out, students are used to interactive media and this would excite them more about learning!

  3. This will be something to consider for the next round of textbook adoptions.

  4. This is an interesting development and you are right about the book publishers. As the evolution of digital books gains momentum, they either join or fall behind. Another advantage will be the ease in making changes to the texts, unlike being locked into an outdated printed text.

  5. Hi Sharon,
    In reading your comment on my blog, yes, it is very rewarding to see them so excited about their work and also the ones that are above average. Now that is not saying all are extremely excited but most do enjoy it.

  6. I would think the students would enjoy doing their homework a little more if they had an iPad. It would definitely save them some health issues later if all textbooks could be added to the iPad. You should feel how heavy some of their book bags are. I can hardly pick up a few when trying to move them. The poor kids are going to have back trouble in the future.

  7. As iPad keeps adding all of these invaluable applications, how will we all be able to live with out it in and out of our classrooms? This is an exciting topic to follow and I agree with Twila's comment that we should be considering them for our next textbook adoption. A much better idea than purchasing laptops for each student. However, I wonder if the iPad will be outdated in another five years of less? One never knows!
