Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Found the following link off a site I am following called Moving at the Speed of Creativity.  It highlights the video capabilities, and apps available for editing, on the iPad that make it such a  great tool for creating movies or presentations.  Think of all the ways students could use this in creating presentations for the classroom!


  1. Sharon:
    I found the site "moving at the speed of creativity" very interesting. I liked some of the articles included, especially the one pertaining to the myths regarding internet predators.
    Concerning the iPad, wow, what a great tool, and reasonably priced...depending on your financial situation. This would be a beneficial addition to any classroom, whether available for each student, or only the teacher. The applications seem to be almost limitless.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am now really wanting to get my hands on one of these for my classroom. It is amazing how many free apps there are. I think it should become a standard tool for all students. It would be so beneficial to the student and the teacher. Thanks for uncovering all this information!

  4. Once again, they have come up with a simple app for those that own an ipad to become videographers and story chasers!This feature can easily be adapted to the education setting. Thank for sharing the great links.

  5. I just got my iPad 2 about a week ago and I love it. There is so much you are able to do with it. There are some amazing applications out there for classroom use. I also just recently purchased the VGA connector so I can mirror my iPad onto my Smartboard. I highly recommend it for use in the classroom!
