Monday, November 23, 2009

Nov 23

This weekend we finished our websites, uploaded them, and presented them to the class. I like mine, but was concerned when I opened mine up Sunday and the first page was gone. When I left on Saturday everything was done and working. I thought I might want to change one picture, but didn't have to change it. I missed my turn Sunday morning, due to the rain and fog. I should have just got right back on the express way but thought I was closer than I was and tried to find my way through neighborhoods. This was not a wise choice as I spent about forty minutes extra driving in the rain. I was stressed and the rain didn't help. I finally found my way to the school and when I signed on the first page of my website was gone! I was not feeling well by this time. On top of everything else, I had some kind of sinus congestion going on. Things were not looking good. However, I recreated my first page, got everything uploaded, and was ready to present on time. I was finally feeling like a litte pressure had been relieved and then I started working on my webquest. So much for relief! My head hurts, does anyone have Advil?

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