Friday, April 15, 2011

iPad in Education Article Week 7

Watch the video, as well as look over the article.  They give numerous examples of how education is changing with the iPad.

Monday, April 4, 2011

iPad in Education April 4

The address below is a link to an article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution discussing Georgia's consideration of  iPads for students.  Their plan would start by providing iPads to middle schools first.  They discuss how the iPads would replace the purchase of  books and how the students would be provided with ebooks by companies changing their format to fit today's technology.
The following address provides a link to a video by 11 Alive News, an Atlanta news station.  The video discusses the replacement of  books with iPads in Georgia schools, now being considered by our state lawmakers.  Apparently, they have been talking to Apple already!

Monday, March 28, 2011

iPad in Education March 28

This article was interesting because it talked about several of the issues in the separate articles I have posted plus added some new dimensions.  Looks like on-line learning will become more of the norm.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

iPad in Education March 23

The link below was interesting because I did not know that book companies are developing books that are more interactive on devices like the iPad.  I had no idea that talks between iPad developers and major book companies were taking place.  I can see why the book companies would be interested because it would keep them in the market and the iPad developers win by having interactive books available for their device.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Found the following link off a site I am following called Moving at the Speed of Creativity.  It highlights the video capabilities, and apps available for editing, on the iPad that make it such a  great tool for creating movies or presentations.  Think of all the ways students could use this in creating presentations for the classroom!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Web 2.0 Topic of Interest

I found this website today sponsored by Apple.  It talks about the features of the iPad that make it a great tool, not only for the classroom, but for students who have disabilities.  It has a link to all the free educational apps available for the iPad also.  I was surprised at all the apps.