Friday, April 15, 2011

iPad in Education Article Week 7

Watch the video, as well as look over the article.  They give numerous examples of how education is changing with the iPad.


  1. I like the solar system app. We're studying this right now in class and the kids would love to see the information like this.

  2. Ok, all of the apps are way to cool! I just want them turn the iPad and iPhone into one tool, then I can afford one and be able to see the screen without wearing my glasses!

  3. Those are some cool apps. I also have not bought an ipad because I figured I would just continue to use the iphone since it's the same. I have to wear glasses also and sometimes the keys are too small for big fingers but it works. I am always amazed at the apps that are available.

  4. My husband recently got an iPad. I have been playing around with it and have discovered many free apps that I could use with my students. These were some neat apps you provided.

  5. This just makes me want an iPad even more! My brother-in-law just got one and he loves it. My daughter's iTouch is amazing. So, I'll save all of this info for when I can afford one sometime.

  6. I have to admit as an owner of an iPad 2. I love using it. I am able to access and do so much. I recently had a conversation with our Speech and OT within my school about the many uses an iPad would have within the classroom. Our Speech Pathologist already uses an iPad with students. The iPad though is personally purchased. What we need to do is get have school boards and administration see the connection!

  7. The ESOL department had a grant for an elementary, middle, and high school that could to get an iPod cart at your school. I tried for it, but it was given to Bellmont Hills. They do have a very high ESOL population as it was well deserved that they won. I would love to have them to use with my ESOL students.

  8. I have enjoyed following your blog for this class and have learned a lot about the benefits of iPods in education. Good luck with the rest of the school year and summer. Kelley
