Sunday, October 25, 2009

Oct 24

It is lunch time and I wanted to catch up so I am writing on my blog. Today we evaluated five webquest sites and shared our two worse and two favorites with the class. We had to evaluate the site according to our role. Some were looking at the technology aspects, some the higher level thinking it provided, some how much time it took, and others whether it lended itself to colloboration. It was interesting taking on a specific role when evaluating. Your perspective did make a difference and it led to great discussion to come to an agreement for the overall best and worse. Before this class began we received several assignments to complete. First, we were given a Monkey Survey to complete. We had to submit it and go onto the discussion board at Lesley and tell how we thought that would be useful in our classroom and/or district. We also had to respond to a couple of peoples opinions of this tool. Second we had a scavenger hunt to complete that helped us learn about the internet, websites, etc. We had to drop our scavenger hunt in the drop box. Finally, we had to read an article about webquests and it provided some links to templates, etc. We have to do a webquest for our midterm and final project. We had homework last night and she took it up today, graded/made comments. It was storyboarding. We are going to use the info we researched and collected last night, on the storyboard, to produce our web page using Dream Weaver.

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